Re: [Release] Countdown

comments inlined
On Tuesday, January 15, 2002, at 10:10 , Arnold, Curt wrote:

> Dimitris Dimitriadis wrote:
>> Were you thinking os something more official than announcing
>> the review
>> period on this list when you mentioned the last call window?
> No, that was about it.  Basically when we have resolved all the open 
> issues
> to our satisfaction, then we would give implementers a chance to either
> acknowledge or challenge any test failures before we present them as a
> deviation from the recommendation.
[dd] Good, then we agree. As per your last email, one open issue was the 
one D. Brownell brought up, do you have any others? Do other people have 

>> Any news on the HTML issue? i know that people at Netscape have
>> successfully built the level 1 suite.
> Could you clarify that?  Do you mean that Netscape is able to run the 
> Level 1 Core suite (which isn't a surprise since we have been doing that
> with Mozilla)?
> Or that Netscape has converted an internal test suite (such as
> based
> on (x)HTML content to our test suite markup language and is ready to 
> donate
> it?
[dd] To my understanding, Netscape build and ran the test suite as is 
now, and expessed interest in looking into transforming their existing 
HTML tests to our format. I suppose they would need some help in 
reformulating the tests, though, so any assistance would be appreciated.

If we manage to produce even a minimal set of HTML tests, I think we 
should aim at releasing once we've done that. If I can help with the 
Netscape tests, please tell me. Could we have some feedback from 
Netscape on this?

> If not, would Netscape have a problem if I took a stab at reformulating
> those tests into test markup language?

Received on Wednesday, 16 January 2002 05:05:22 UTC