Re: [Release] Countdown

Sticking to our earlier plan to release the (Core) DOM TS this month, I 
propose the following

1. Look into feasability of transforming some Netscape tests to our DOM 
TS ML (here feedback fron Netscape on time required is vital)
2. Finalize documentation

If we were to end up without HTMl tests in this narrow window, I propose 
to release the DOM Level 1 Core TS any how, possible releasing a later 
version with HTMl tests at a later stage.

This would mean that implementors have two weeks to look into the DOM TS 
as it is now and provide feedback to this list.

I had to postpone taking up D. Brownell's issue with the DOM WG at this 
week's telcon due to other engagements, but will take it up next week. 
For brevity, the issue could also be brought up at www-dom, the public 
DOM mailing list.

Please communicate any other issues we have.


On Thursday, January 10, 2002, at 07:10 , Arnold, Curt wrote:

> I'd like to see a summary of the test results from Oracle's Java Parser 
> and
> GNUJAXP and update the Mozilla test results and review all the reports 
> one
> last time.
> I think that we should have a last call window to give the implementors 
> one
> last look before we "release" the suite.
> There was a contention from David Brownell that the recommendation did 
> not
> require an implementation to populate the child nodes of a entity 
> reference
> that was created with Document.CreateEntityReference (failure to do so 
> would
> fail the *EE tests plus one or two others).  However, his justification 
> was
> based on non-public WG discussions and not on anything in the
> recommendation.  I do not believe that that issue has been adequately
> resolved by a statement from the WG.

Received on Wednesday, 16 January 2002 13:15:34 UTC