Re: Issues about the DOM TS brought up in the DOM WG Telcon

My bad, should have been clearer on that, however the minutes from that 
telephone conference seem to endorse my interpretation of what the 
netscape representative claimed. That is member only information, so I 
cannot point to it.


On Friday, February 22, 2002, at 11:27 , Robert Clary wrote:

> The report that Mozilla attempted to run the ActiveX object is a red 
> herring due to a misunderstanding in verbal communications with a 
> member of the DOM WG.  As far as I know, no one at Netscape made such a 
> claim. The issue with sniffing is that it is too restrictive.
> The relevant message to this list  is from Dimitris on 2/20/2002 at 
> 1:24PM
> <quote>
> From the top of my head there are the following issues brought up by 
> Netscape representatives (they will send a message to this list after 
> having checked thouroughly):
> 1. Browser sniffing -- it seems that the sniffing is not elaborate 
> enough, makes Mozille, for example, run code with calls to an ActiveX 
> object.
> 2. Tests on default attributes require a validating parser, which is 
> not a requirement (for XML), for HTML default attributes need to be 
> there. The issue is then that the TS tests the XML appclication DOM, 
> not the browser DOM
> </quote>
> The issue with MSXML vs. Native browser implementations is another 
> issue.
> /bc
> Curt Arnold wrote:
>> To get to the call to new ActiveXObject, the browser must be 
>> identified as
>> IE.  For Netscape or Mozilla to be falsely identified as IE,
>> navigator.appName must contain  "Microsoft" and not contain "Netscape".
>> That does not occur with Mozilla on any of the versions and platforms 
>> that
>> I've tested.
>> What I wanted was something like, when running Mozilla 0.9.8 on 
>> OpenVMS, I
>> get a message that ActiveXObject is not defined.  The value of
>> navigator.appName is "Mozilla (not Microsoft)".
>> However, I've incorporated the logic from
>> to
>> detect Navigator 6 and Mozilla.  However, since I don't have access to
>> whatever Mozilla browser that confounds the existing logic, I can't 
>> tell if
>> it fixes the problem.
>> I'll be committing some changes to DOMTestSuite.js in just a few 
>> moments.

Received on Friday, 22 February 2002 05:54:23 UTC