Re: Issues about the DOM TS brought up in the DOM WG Telcon


any help in the DOM TS is appreciated, we are expecting to ship an 
updated version of the DOM Level 1 TS in about a month since we will 
have some HTMl tests to work with. Your work will be appreciated.


On Friday, February 22, 2002, at 09:09 , Manos Batsis wrote:

>> From: Curt Arnold []
>>> 1. Browser sniffing -- it seems that the sniffing is not elaborate
>>> enough, makes Mozille, for example, run code with calls to
>> an ActiveX
>>> object.
>> I'll admit that it isn't elaborate, but under what scenario
>> does Mozilla run
>> an ActiveX object?
> IE programmatically implements DOM Documents as ActiveX objects. So, I
> guess some of the test that require this, use (in JavaScript)
> var myDomDoc = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLDOM");
> You may encounter an msxml version_dependent_ProgId like
> Msxml2.XMLDOM.4.0. The above is IE specific. Mozilla instead uses the
> factory style (as DOM Level 2 likes it):
> var myDomDoc = document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null);
> Anyway, it should be something like the above situation: need of vendor
> dependent code and lack of browser sniffing.
> I'd be happy to give a hand fixing this if you pass it on.
> Manos

Received on Friday, 22 February 2002 05:50:50 UTC