SV: Minutes in brief and action items

comments inlined

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Fred L. Drake, Jr. []
Skickat: den 31 maj 2001 21:12
Till: Dimitris Dimitriadis
Kopia: ''
Ämne: Re: Minutes in brief and action items

Dimitris Dimitriadis writes:
 > This is a quick account of theminutes from Tuesday's telcon:

  Thanks for summarizing!  Perhaps the complete minutes will answer my
questions; I'll look there next.

 > 1. We decided to unify the schemas that have been proposed so far. We
 > produce _one- schema for the DOM TS ML, which will exist in XML Schema
 > DTD form, without losing any information (it is obvious that we will
 > some schemas-specific constraint checking in the DTD).Keep the IDL-ish
 > naming conventions, boil both existing frameworks down to this set,
 > with construct parts, metadata and packaging/suite defs. 

  Will this include DTD/Schema documentation?

[dd] Yes, documentation (which is an action item on me) will also contain
documentation of the schema/dtd.

 > 5. The test suite will be able to support export to and import from the
 > xUnit-type frameworks.

  Are you saying that a test can be imported from code?  

[dd] Sorry, I wasn't clear. It would support, were the tests XMLified, not
directly from code.

 > 4. Look into an issue tracking system (there is no such colution within
 > W3C) (Philippe/Jason)

  Are there reasons this couldn't be a SourceForge project?

[dd] W3C license

 > 5. Rewrite styelsheets for code generation (Java and ECMA primarily,
 > welcome) (NIST for the Java one, ECMA open)

  Once I have time to understand the test schema, I'll try writing the
stylesheet for Python generation.

[dd] brilliant. The DOM TS will consists of the tests, documentation, tests
is Java and ECMA as well as the stylesheets used to procude Java/ECMA, but
any additional XSLT goes to show that we can support many other bindings.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at>
PythonLabs at Digital Creations

Received on Friday, 1 June 2001 05:29:40 UTC