Re: Animatable lines added to css3-ui

Hi Tantek,

On 2/8/13 3:48 PM, Tantek Çelik wrote:>
> re: nav-index. The nav-* properties are not well implemented (and I don't
> expect to see that change anytime soon), so I'm planning on dropping them
> in the next CR draft.

Can you provide a pointer to discussion of the issues with nav-*?

Presto has an implementation and we recommend its usage to developers 
working on applications for TV [1][2].

As a result, there is existing content in the wild that relies on it. Of 
course applications may be using only some parts of it and may be not 
hitting the issue that you are referring to (simply may be working 
around it in some way).

Also, there are other specifications that reference it (namely HbbTV).

In any case, if there are plans to remove nav-* stuff from the UI spec, 
an email to the Web & TV list would probably be helpful in understanding 
what impact it might have in that space.



Mike Taylor
Opera Software

Received on Monday, 11 February 2013 16:17:05 UTC