Re: PROPOSAL: Procedure to Promote Progress With Accessibility Issues in HTML5

>> If you're really serious about alternative proposals, then the WhatWG
>> HTML 5 specification should be considered just one of a variety, and
>> others should be linked directly from the front page, and the process
>> carefully delimited, again on the front page, so folks don't have an
>> assumption that the WhatWG version is the de facto version. That it is
>> potentially one of many. Each proposal, each group of editors, should
>> be given the same level of prominence and front page access. A note to
>> that effect should also be posted at the WhatWG.
> To get listed as such will require a decision.  See Decision History[2].  I
> personally would support such a decision.

To be honest, two alternatives, one from the WhatWG, and one
consisting of a collaborative efforts most likely pulled in from
several WhatWG members, in addition to accessibility folks, as well as
SVG, and RDFa, and MathML folks, not to mention folks from the XHTML
2.0 working group, seem like a way to progress forward. I hinted as
much with my use of the term "alliance" [1].

Most likely much of the two documents would be the same. But there
would be differences. But both documents would be immediately
accessible to anyone accessing the HTML WG page at the W3C, with an
understanding of what is driving two document.

>> Otherwise, this whole process is nothing more than a way to get people
>> running around in circles, while Ian's HTML 5 slips through the cracks
>> because supposedly no one is submitting proposals, when they are, but
>> they're being ignored, back channel linked, and forgotten.
>> Not having a gatekeeper would have prevented all of this, but the W3C
>> put in a gatekeeper. And no, neither you, nor Chris, are the
>> gatekeepers. We can pretend otherwise, but that just leads to yet more
>> confusion, resentment, discouragement, and general unhappiness with
>> the HTML 5 effort.
> Hindsight is 20/20.  I will note that Ian has done that has prevented Manu
> from producing a document.  His role as a gatekeeper is greatly exaggerated
> (with apologies to Mark Twain).

Of which, no one knows about said document, unless you happen to
follow the RDFa working group, or happen to catch it when it flew past
in the HTML WG email list.

But one can easily see the "editor's draft" of the HTML 5 document.

Now, put these on a scale...oops! It just fell over.

> My frustration is that more people haven't followed Manu's lead -- so far.
>  Presumably, given time this will work out.

I wouldn't recommend anyone doing anything, until there is an
assurance of parity.

>> Laura's recent proposal is nothing more than a group of people trying
>> to level the playing field. She certainly didn't submit it because it
>> was fun to do so, and she has nothing better to do. Perhaps a little
>> respect might have gone a little to reassure people that their
>> concerns really do matter, rather than folks feeling like no matter
>> what we submit, it will just get dropped into a black hole [1].
> If she wishes to produce a document that gets listed on the front page, I
> will ask Mike to provide her with CVS access, and once produced we can seek
> a Decision.

Nope, nada, don't work. That scale just fell over again. I think we
should seek a decision now. The two documents, WhatWG and Everyone
Else. I think this is fair. The Everyone Else document can begin with
a snapshot of the existing HTML 5 document, and then be edited through
a collaborative process.

Folks from the EE version can use additions to the WhatWG document,
and vice versa. But when there is disagreement, then folks have a
legitimate outlet for their work that will not be lost, back channel
linked, ignored, or otherwise relegated to poor relative status.

Didn't Michael Smith also deliver an alternative HTML 5 document? Now,
I wonder where it is. And where is Manu's?

What are the advantages? People can see, at a glance, where
differences exist between the two groups. Rather than rehash and hash
again in the email lists, edits can be made to whichever of the

There may end up more than one document, but the point is, each has to
be given parity. Same footing, same linkage, same level of respect.
Otherwise, the dice is loaded, the game is lost, and all you're
recommending is that people waste their time.

Fair's fair. If the WhatWG document is the superior document, let it
compete in a level playing field.

>> I know that Last Call is coming up, issues are being brought up again
>> and again, we can't seem to make head way, and a lot of people are
>> unhappy, and you most likely feel right in the middle of it, but blame
>> the responsible people at the W3C for the problems, not us.
>> My 2 cents worth, since this is the 2 cent email list.
> Much appreciated.  Seriously.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Josh
>>> - Sam Ruby
>> [1]
> [2]

OK, 4 cents worth. I don't have more than a nickel, so I've spent my allowance.



Received on Monday, 20 July 2009 19:34:08 UTC