Re: @summary in HTML5

Hi Sam , thanks for the clarification.
I would be more than happy to discuss summary with you, it is an open
item in PF and as a member of both PF and HTML WG have been working
the issue from both sides. That is not to say i speak on behalf of the
PF in the HTML WG.

Will ping you when I have had a chance to discuss more in PF. Although
open in PF it has been pushed to the back lately due to discussion
around HTML5 and alt.


2009/2/24 Sam Ruby <>:
> Steven Faulkner wrote:
>> Hi Janina,
>> As you may be aware, the request to include the summary attribute in
>> HTML5 has been declined by the editor Ian Hickson again [1]
>> The arguments (I consider) hinge on differences in interpretations of
>> the available data and the utility of the summary attribute.
>> I request that the PF review this issue again and correspond with the
>> HTML WG chairs on this issue. Initially to request that the issue
>> contine to be considered unresolved as I consider no level of
>> consensus has been reached.
>> [1]
> I'm continuing to track the issue, and the status is OPEN.
> I'd like to brainstorm with you on this subject sometime.  I plan to be at
> the upcoming AC meeting, can also do IRC, IM, or phone between now and then.
> - Sam Ruby

with regards

Steve Faulkner
Technical Director - TPG Europe
Director - Web Accessibility Tools Consortium |
Web Accessibility Toolbar -

Received on Tuesday, 24 February 2009 15:28:56 UTC