Media types for XHTML 1.x document

Hello Steven

I sent an email to the XHTML2 mailing list (public-xhtml2) a few days 
ago [1] but have not yet received a response. The message in question 
was sent because I did not receive a satisfactory response from the 
group to my original email(s) that were sent on: 2008-12-23.

I noticed that you are the team contact for the XHTML2 WG so thought I'd 
bring this to your attention as it looks like the group have forgotten 
to respond to me. Can I please have an official response from the XHTML2 
WG to the issues I raised in the email as this matter needs to be dealt 
with ASAP.


Dean Edridge

Received on Wednesday, 4 February 2009 02:27:22 UTC