Re: Clarification of process for raising html5 accessibility related issues

Chris Wilson <>, 2008-06-13 09:56 -0700:

> I don't have any objection to you doing this, but I'd suggest
> that the process is simpler:
> 1) anyone can raise issues in tracker,

If you mean the W3C Tracker, no. We're not going to do that. We
need to have a means for the active leadership of the group to
track issues that do in fact need to be a priority for the group,
and to separate those from things like simple personal proposals
for new ideas.

> 2) issues are only officially set to Closed (i.e. not "Pending
> Review") by a chair or staff contact.  The granularity of issues
> so far seems to support this; if the number of issues increases
> dramatically, and it would make more sense for the specification
> editors to be able to close more minor issues, then I'd suggest
> a) editors can close issues, b) if a WG member disagrees with an
> editor's resolution, they can re-activate and request discussion
> by chairs (i.e. escalate to chairs for WG resolution.)

For now we are going to go by the process that only the active
group leadership can close issues. I'm no longer asking that
editor monitor issues in the tracker, and in particular not asking
him close them. When we have an issue that requires action or
response from the editor, we tell him, record the response, then
change the status of the issue accordingly.


> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Steven Faulkner []
> > Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 1:37 AM
> > To: Al Gilman;; www-archive; Michael(tm) Smith;
> > Chris Wilson
> > Cc: Ian Hickson; Laura Carlson; Joshue O Connor; Gregory J. Rosmaita
> > Subject: Clarification of process for raising html5 accessibility
> > related issues
> >
> > Over the past few weeks there has been discussion in the PF WG and the
> > HTML WG about how to best raise/open and track issues related to
> > accessibility features in HTML5 and if they are substantive [1] keep
> > them open until they are resolved by HTML WG decision rather than at
> > the discretion of the HTML5 editor.
> >
> > From my understanding of what has been agreed [2], such issues will be
> > added to the HTML Issue tracker [3] when they are raised. They then
> > will remain open until they are resolved.
> >
> > How does an issue get on the tracker?
> > This appears to be largely at the discretion of the chairs, unless the
> > issue is raised by a request from other WGs.
> >
> > So how is a HTML WG member to go about getting an issue on the tracker?
> >
> > I would suggest this process:
> >
> > 1. Raise an issue/proposal on the HTML WG mailing list or Bug tracker
> > 2. If it there is no response from the HTML5 editor after a reasonable
> > period of time or dismissed by the HTML5 editor and the HTML WG
> > member(s) involved think it has not been  dealt with in a manner that
> > takes into account implications for accessibility, (for example, a
> > decision puts the needs of browser vendors before the needs of people
> > with disabilities),  then email the PF WG for advice on the matter.
> > 3. the PF WG will consider the matter, if they think it is a
> > substantive issue that needs further consideration, a formal request
> > will be sent to the HTML WG.
> >
> >
> > [1] substantive issues include those that are likely to be the basis
> > of formal objections at last call or have been formally raised by
> > other working groups such as the PF WG.
> > [2]
> > [3]
> >
> >
> > --
> > with regards
> >
> > Steve Faulkner
> > Technical Director - TPG Europe
> > Director - Web Accessibility Tools Consortium
> >
> > |
> > Web Accessibility Toolbar -
> >

Michael(tm) Smith

Received on Friday, 13 June 2008 17:07:33 UTC