mailing list for rdf:text, namespace use

> All,
> I don't think there is a need to continue cc'ing the comments lists
> for all the WGs on this thread.
> I'd like to consider this a task force of RIF, OWL, and I guess I18N, let you
> guys do the work and then report back to the WGs.
> OK?

Ooops, yeah.   I've added www-archive to the cc list, so the e-mail is
properly archived *somewhere*, at least.

Shall I request a new mailing list for this?, I

One odd thing that occured to me (during my sleep, I think) about using
the RDF namespace is that the rdf:text datatype will never be used in
(existing) RDF serializations, because they already have a way to
serialize such data.  Happily, this lets us avoid worrying about the
constraint in RDF Syntax [1], "Any other names [in the RDF namespace]
are not defined and SHOULD generate a warning when encountered".  We
should note this in the spec, I think.  Note also that future RDF
serializations might choose to use this, so they don't have to
special-case language-tagged strings.

     -- Sandro


Received on Tuesday, 22 July 2008 10:55:13 UTC