Re: [automattic] False Marketing

Geoffrey Sneddon wrote:
> Is there any interest in moving over to a fully fledged XML serializer 
> (which would at the very least mean any XML conformance bug would be in 
> one place)?

For output that sounds fine.

>> However I still do plan to get a spec doc up for it one day. If that 
>> were a condition of them [MT] supporting it I’d happily prioritize it.
> When I brought this up on wp-hackers in July (2008), I received the 
> reply (from Otto):
>> If you want it documented, then look at it and write a document for it.
> Either there's a disconnect, or there's a change of plan. Is it still 
> the case that there is a spec coming?

It's still on the list, but it's a long list. :) Most of my attention 
has been focused on 2.7.

> of a byte-stream, massively simplifying it), though it would probably be 
> unlikely to happen until March/April '09 (I would guess it would 
> probably be around a day's work).

That'd be awesome.

> That said, I think having some standardized format would be better, and 
> something based upon RSS probably isn't a good way to do that (mainly 
> because RSS is uselessly vague, and WXR would almost certainly have to 
> be defined as an extension of a subset of that (e.g., Is the title 
> element text or HTML? Different implementations do different things 
> here, some performing heuristics to try and determine the answer.), but 
> also because Atom has far more of what is needed already standarized).

Blogger already has an export format based on Atom. Working with that 
probably should be separate from WXR.

Matt Mullenweg |

Received on Monday, 15 December 2008 12:07:23 UTC