Re: HTML syntax (offlist)

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Nov 2007 17:25:27 +0100, Dean Edridge <> wrote:
>> Anne van Kesteren wrote:
>>> There is no "the one syntax"
>> But there could be ...... *if* there's not already.
> In XHTML you want to be allowed to write markup like this:
>   <h:html xmlns:h="" xml:lang="en">
>    ...
> For obvious reasons this doesn't work in HTML.

I never said that everyone should write like this. And I never expected 
to write lke that and use it in HTML.

> In HTML you want to write markup like this:
>   <script>
>    if(x<y) alert("<danger>")
>   </script>
> For obvious reasons this doens't work in XHTML. Restricting either one 
> so that in theory you can copy and paste between them doesn't seem 
> worth it.

Yeah, sorry I didn't get what you were referring to. If you had 
mentioned <![CDATA[ I would have go t it :-)

<script type="text/javascript">

        var FO_logo = { movie:"swf/logo.swf", width:"100%", 
height:"100%", majorversion:"6", build:"0", wmode:"transparent", 
salign:"tl" };
        UFO.create(FO_logo, "logo");       

and for HTML viewers they get:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var FO_logo = { movie:"swf/logo.swf", width:"100%", height:"100%", 
majorversion:"6", build:"0", wmode:"transparent", salign:"tl" };
    UFO.create(FO_logo, "logo");       

>> It's not just what I wish to do in the future. It's about the whole 
>> world, it's about all the documents that will be circulating out 
>> there. They will be incompatible with each other.
> They already are. However, on a language level they are not incompatible.
>> How on earth do you think that HTML5 and XHTML5 will live on the web 
>> at the same time without some type of increased normalisation between 
>> the two?
> By using separate consumers that handle each in an appropriate way. 
> You need that anyway to deal with non-conforming HTML and XHTML using 
> XML features.

Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2007 19:24:37 UTC