foaf:Group SPARQL and PGP example

Hi TimBL,

Care to dig out a GPG key and try signing some RDF? Am playing with
ideas for expressing foaf:Group membership rules in SPARQL. SPARQL
rather than OWL or RIF since properties of the graph/doc are
interesting here. One example (which goes back to SWAD days) is to say
things like, "the members of this group are people who are said to
have a workplaceHomepage of by timbl". Since SPARQL isnt' a
full rule language, the query needs to be a bit hardcoded. But I'd be
interested in getting this running...

Example follows (uses wrong key fingerprint, but you get the idea?)



"Someone's in the W3C Staff group if a document signed by TimBL says
their workplaceHomepage is".

<foaf:Group rdf:about="#w3t_according_to_timbl"
  <foaf:name>W3C Team members</foaf:name>
  <foaf:membershipClass> <!-- previously used OWL -->

     <foaf:Query foaf:var="?x"> <![CDATA[

     PREFIX : <>
     PREFIX wot: <>
     SELECT ?x
#     FROM <> # hardcode the
src? or just properties of it?
# or use Construct? ?x foaf:member foo_group etc
     WHERE {
        GRAPH ?doc {
          ?x a :Person .
          ?x :workplaceHomepage <> .
        } .
          ?doc wot:assuredBy [ a :Agent;   wot:keyid = "B573B63A" ] .


Received on Tuesday, 6 November 2007 01:00:09 UTC