Re: DOAP in Advoato?

Hi Tim,

Thanks for signing up on Advogato. The underlying software, an Apache
module called mod_virgule, is making steady progress towards a lot of
the goals you're interested in. You can see my ToDo list for the
software here:

I've added your first request to my list.

DOAP support is already planned and would allow projects to either be
considered "native" Advogato projects, for which a DOAP file would be
generated; or they could be considered "remote" projects and the project
information drawn from a DOAP file located elsewhere. DOAP will likely
be the next major feature added, hopefully before the end of 2007.

OpenID support is planned as well, though I'm not sure whether we should
go for OpenID 2.0 support or 1.1 (or both). 

Things are moving slowly right now because I'm having to do 90% of the
work myself. I haven't had a lot of spare time due to the constraints of
my day job. I haven't figured out a way to get paid for working on
Advogato and mod_virgule yet. ;-)


On Tue, 2007-10-30 at 21:51, Tim Berners-Lee wrote:
> Steve,
> I like Advogato!  Just got an account.
> It seems to have checks in (almost) all the boxes!
> I'm trying to push the use of FOAF for trust, specifically connecting  
> FOAF to OpenID.
> Advogato is nice as it does both of them.
> My wishlist is:
> 1.  Allow people to give in their profile an RDF ID for themselves  
> ( or >1).  This acknowledges that Adv. is not the only network ... it  
> would allow me to connect to another site like it for example.   
> does this, for example .  If everyone does this we can  
> make a complete open social network.  You publish  owl:sameAs    
> linking the person in the site ti the person in the other site.
> 2. I love the foaf.  How about DOAP for projects? It is an ontology  
> like FOAF.
> 	For example
> 	Example file
> 	If you gave each project an RDF URI  like say
> (not the project home age or human-readable page, the RDF ID of the  
> thing itself)
> then people and projects would be connected.  It'd be able to browse  
> around eth co-developer web in data space, make trust metrics like  
> "anyone who has worked with me on a project, to 3 hops" and so on.
> Tim BL

Received on Thursday, 1 November 2007 01:52:55 UTC