Re: POWDER: URIs or resources (2)

I _think_ the WG would agree that if one way to make this problem 
solvable is to talk only in terms of URIs and not the resources to which 
they refer, then that's a price worth paying.

It's not ideal though. Here's a real-word example of a resource 
property-based set:

       <ex:includes>free \w{0,4} sex</ex:lang>

Show me a web page that has the words 'free' and 'sex' between 0 and 4 
words apart - and I'll put good money that it's a porn site, whatever 
the domain name.


Jeremy Carroll wrote:
> Continuing along the same lines ...
>  corresponds to
> and
> corresponds to
> So that we may hope that
> <wdr:ResourceSet>
>   <wdr:includeHosts></wdr:includeHosts>
>   <wdr:excludePathStartsWith>/foo</wdr:excludePathStartsWith>
> </wdr:ResourceSet>
> Would exclude resources from
> But if we think about
> alias
> it matches the includeHosts constraint, by virtue of the second URI, and 
> it matches the excludePathStartsWith constraint by virute of the first URI.
> However, any 'reasonable' implementation, would take the first URI and 
> reject it, because it doesn't match the first constraint; and then take 
> the second URI and reject it because it doesn't match the second 
> constraint.
> Thus I am wondering whether the constraints should be seen as 
> constraints on URIs (not on resources), with the wdr:hasScope property 
> doing some magic relating resources to their URIs.
> Jeremy

Phil Archer
Chief Technical Officer,
Family Online Safety Institute

Received on Monday, 17 December 2007 14:17:44 UTC