Letters of intent for the authorized translation of WCAG into Catalan [Fwd: WCAG 1.0 authorized translation to Catalan LTO submission of intent]

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: WCAG 1.0 authorized translation to Catalan LTO submission of intent
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 14:46:02 +0200
From: Mireia Ribera <ribera@ub.edu>
To: Ivan Herman <ivan@w3.org>

Dear Ivan,

thanks for your mail encouraging our work. It's a nice way to start
working together.

We did collect a written acceptation of all the stakeholders cited in
our submission intent, in the form of an email. Some are more formal
than others. Most of them in Spanish and Catalan, and some include a
preface of the person who made the contact. I attach all the messages
confirming the acceptation in this email; tell me if that would be
correct for your requirements. (I send one of the messages in a separate

In reference to the glossary, as you suggest, we will start with the
WCAG translation; and, as soon as the WAI glossary is finished, we would
include it as a part of the translation.

Yours truly,



Ivan Herman
W3C Communications Team, Head of Offices
C/o W3C Benelux Office at CWI, Kruislaan 413
1098SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
tel: +31-20-5924163; mobile: +31-641044153;
URL: http://www.w3.org/People/Ivan/

Forwarded message 1

  • From: Jesus Lorés <jesus@diei.UdL.es>
  • Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 14:24:59 +0200 (CEST)
  • Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: WCAG 1.0 official translation to Catalan LTO submission of intent]
  • To: Mireia Ribera <ribera@ub.edu>
  • Message-id: <2164.>
Estimada Mireia,
Como presidente de la Asociación Interacción Persona-Ordenador (AIPO) y a
propuesta de la Junta Directiva te transmito nuestro apoyo a vuestra
propuesta de ser los traductores oficiales de la WCAG en catalán.
Jesús Lorés
Presidente de AIPO

que > En/na Jesus Lores ha escrit:
>> Mireia Ribera wrote:
>>> Jesús,
>>> el Consorci ens accepta la nostra proposta de liderar la traducció,
>>> però ens demana un petit mail confirmatori de totes les entitats
>>> participants.
>>> En el cas d'AIPO, tot i que ens hem creuat diversos mails, no disposo
>>> d'aquest escrit.
>>> Me'l podries fer, si-et-plau?
>>> Gràcies,
>>> Mireia.
>>> ****************************************
>>> Com va tot?
>>> Ara fa temps que no em poso en contacte amb tu perque aquest semestre
>>> tinc molta docència i vaig una mica de corcoll. Vaig avançant coses
>>> del meu projecte de recerca. Si no abans, miraré de venir cap al juny
>>> a Lleida per explicar-te com està tot.
>>> Molts records a tot l'equip!
>> En castellà
> Sí, en castellà.
> Mireia.

Received on Friday, 31 March 2006 13:21:01 UTC