Resource and Representations Vocabs

Hi guys,

While looking for something completely different I just stumbled on
Jon's Resource and Representation Relationship Vocabulary :

It seems to be in the very same space as Reto's info-atom.n3.

(Latest copy I've got - have you had chance to do any more with this, Reto?)

Reto's schema was prompted by issues with representing Atom in RDF, as in :

Most of info-atom.n3 isn't Atom-specific, it's essentially trying to
capture some of the ideas in WebArch (as I believe is Jon's too).

I can't remember the details offhand, but the problem areas specific
to Atom/OWL related to IDs (you need to combine <id> + <updated> +
content to disambiguate entry versions) and there were certain more
general WebArch issues with managing multi-language representations of
a resource simultaneously. The latter came to light with a real-world
international site (backed by an RDF-based CMS) Reto is running.

Maybe the ideas could be consolidated, passed through TAG and/or SWIG
for polishing and a W3C/IETF Note/ID produced. Or at least it might be
useful for you two to compare notes ;-)



Received on Monday, 30 January 2006 09:25:35 UTC