trying to cache wikipedia pages

I'm writing a little thingy to get airport lat/long info
out of wikipedia. Wikipedia suffered an outage today,
so I'm working on caching and offline access.

I re-dicovered .
I integratet that into my little thingy;
it seems to work. Then I try again, expecting the program
to work out of the local disk cache. Nope. So I
add max-age=3600 to my requests... still no joy...

I look in the cache, and... no wonder:

cache-control: private, s-maxage=0, max-age=0, must-revalidate

That seems like a "don't bother to help me with my load;
just melt down my servers, please" caching policy. Grumble.

At first I thought setting max-age in a request would
override the server; but I see:

            freshness_lifetime = min(freshness_lifetime,

I thought maybe that should be max, but then I read up...

"If both the new request and the cached entry include "max-age"
directives, then the lesser of the two values is used for determining
the freshness of the cached entry for that request."

Then I see max-stale is what I want, but then in, I see:

    We will never return a stale document as 
    fresh as a design decision, and thus the non-implementation 
    of 'max-stale'.

So I'm getting no help from either side. Sigh.

If I implement max-stale, any chance you'll reconsider that
design decision? Or will I have to maintain a fork?

Any suggestions on getting wikipedia to change their caching
policy? Seems to me that no cache-control header at all
is The Right Thing for them, no?

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Wednesday, 19 April 2006 16:03:48 UTC