Starting the document

Here is the beginnings of a doc - there is a 15 page limit, so I think we 
should a) provisionally decide whether we wish to cover the topics indicated 
b) flesh more of them out. I guess we need to be concise - e.g. the abstract 
syntax section is not too short in my view. (We could cut the isomorphism 
discussion ...)

I have tried to use many files, to enable independent working without too much 
change control. I am going to try and get some of the work we have done on 
trust and affirmation and pki and publishing written up today. Probably a 
methodology of just announcing what you are working on will enable a 
light-weight locking process. I am happy to co-ordinate merges.

Hmmm, doing the vocab summary soon might be a very useful thing - it's the 
essence of the information model. Probably just doing that in e-mail is good 

"An RDF graph, intensional semantics?"  

rdfx:equivalentGraph - Dom: rdfx:Graph - Rng: rdfx:Graph
"The two graphs are equivalent as defined by RDF Concepts."
rdfx:subGraphOf - Dom: rdfx:Graph - Rng: rdfx:Graph
"The subject graph is equivalent to a subset of the object graph"

I am hoping the query language and provenance stuff is more or less covered by 
work that Chris has already done, or from the TriX paper.

Once we have most of it in place we can guage whether we can fit more in, we 
seem to have lots in the e-mail log, and/or whether we need to prune what 
we've got.


Received on Monday, 15 March 2004 03:57:27 UTC