[w3photo] vocabulary update

Hi all,

I updated my version of the image region vocabulary/doc.
width and height for regions have been removed, the value
syntax for boundingBox is now {x1,y1,width,height}.

Is the following coords stuff correct:

A region of type Rectangle uses two pairs of comma-separated integers. the
pairs are separated by a space. "0,0 50,100" could for example describe a
rectangle that starts in the upper left corner of an image, has a width of 50
pixels and a height of 100 pixels (i.e. the first pair describes the upper left
corner, the second one the lower right).

A region of type Circle uses a point (center) and a radius. "40,60,20" is a
valid example (center_x=40, center_y=60, radius=20).

A Polygon can be described by a list of pairs. Each pair consists of two
(comma-separated) integers. Pairs are separated by a space. "0,0 50,0 50,100
0,100" describes the rectangle mentioned above as a polygon.

The coords value for an Ellipse consists of four comma-separated values. In
this context "40,60,20,15" means: center_x=40, center_y=60, x_radius=20,



Benjamin Nowack

Kruppstr. 82-100
45145 Essen, Germany

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Received on Wednesday, 10 March 2004 08:38:11 UTC