Re: [w3photo] getting repository live

On 27.01.2004 10:54:41, Masahide Kanzaki wrote:
>Hi Libby, nice validator :)
>I have a question on dc:rights example in
>You put an example for 'license and rights properties for the metadata'
>something like:
> <dc:rights>
>  <cc:Agent>
>   <dc:title>Libby Miller</dc:title>
>   <dc:date>1001-07-23</dc:date>
>  </cc:Agent>
> </dc:rights>
>Should this cc:Agent have dc:date ? What does this date mean ?
>I think you've taken this fragment from CC's "Extending Creative Commons
>Metadata" page, and it includes dc:title actually. But the page explains
>this dc:date that "As you can see the copyright holder is a person with a
>URL, a name and a date (of birth)." (forget about URL here..)
>If the above dc:date is intended as the copyright date, it should be the
>date of the creation (of a photo), and thus I think it should be a property
>of the Image itself, not of Agent (or at least needs another node along
>with Agent). Make sense ?
As far as I understand the CC instructions at [1], it is the date of birth
of the agent who "owns" the metadata. IMHO we could omit dc:date for
Agent. in CC's third example code they don't mention a dc:date (probably
because they are talking about an organization).
Furthermore cc:Agent seems to be equivalent to foaf:Agent, so we could 
perhaps state "foaf:Agent owl:equivalentClass/rdfs:subClassOf cc:Agent".
then we could add a foaf:mbox_sha1sum to cc:Agent to better identify the
metadata "owner". (don't know if people are going to enter a valid date 
of birth..)

another question:
is there a difference between the author of the metadata and the agent in
dc:rights of the metadata?
if they are (always) the same we could use a nodeID for more compact 
metadata, e.g.:

<rdf:Description rdf:about=''> 
  <an:annotates rdf:resource='...jpg'/> 
    <foaf:Person rdf:nodeID="p1">
  <cc:license rdf:resource="" /> 
  <dc:rights rdf:nodeID="p1"/>

but I don't know if this eases or complicates code generation and
reasoning.. I'll shut up now.



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Received on Tuesday, 27 January 2004 06:52:24 UTC