Re: a question about the API of Inference Web

thanks for your interest in the Inference Web.
It is also great that you have discovered our new paper on PML - Proof 
Markup Language -
Also, a few external writeups have been done on it including one by oasis -

We would love for you to use our API.
It will be open source and we will be encouraging users.
We are currently doing an update from what we previously called our 
portable proof specfication into PML.
The new one will be available for use within a month.
We also intend to put the javadoc on the web.
We would be happy to enter into discussions with you prior to that time 
to get something joint started if that makes sense for you.

Also, you may be interested to know that we have registered a few 
question answering systems within Inference Web and we can dump proofs 
and display these proofs from JTP - Stanford's  Hybrid Reasoning System, 
SNARK - SRI's theorem prover,
JSAT - the java satisfiability library, and are working on a number of 
other connections such as ISI's Mediator.
We would love to get euler registered and also to be able to display 
your proofs within the Inference Web.

Deborah and Paulo

Jos De_Roo wrote:

>Hi Deb,
>Hope everything is all right with you and in your
>nice Stanford :)
>While discussing with Pat, I mentioned him that
>We stepped a bit back, and just mention the rule
>(which is horn and so has only univars) and give
>a ground form of it, like for example
>:Tony a :CRAB.
>:CRAB rdfs:subClassOf :SEAFOOD.
>{r:rdfs9. ?A rdfs:subClassOf ?B. ?S a ?A} => {?S a ?B}.
> {<>.
>  :CRAB rdfs:subClassOf :SEAFOOD.
>  :Tony a :CRAB} =>
>{:Tony a :SEAFOOD}.
>and then the substitution that was made can be checked.
>but this is just how it is now...
>I googled a bit and found your
>which is really inspiring (just that I think it is
>instead of
>Then I was thinking about using the same API as
>for what is keeping us busy (in our spare time)
>My question is wether the API sources are open and
>if so, where they could be found?
>Thanks in advance,
>kind regards,
>Jos De Roo, AGFA

 Deborah L. McGuinness 
 Knowledge Systems Laboratory 
 353 Serra Mall
 Gates Computer Science Building, 2A Room 241 
 Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-9020 
 (voice) 650 723 9770    (stanford fax) 650 725 5850   (computer fax)  801 705 0941

Received on Friday, 23 January 2004 17:18:58 UTC