[w3photo] introduction

I made these notes for IRC chat, but I might as well post them here on 
the mailing list:

Bryce Benton, full-time php/mysql/accessibility/web standards employee 
of Texas Center for Educational Technology (TCET [1]) housed at the 
University of North Texas -- Denton, Texas).

I am also pursuing a Masters degree in Technical Writing. There is a 
chance that the semantic photo project could become part of my degree. I 
am still early in my degree progress, so there is room to shape it and 
possibly earn some credit or develop a thesis around semantic photo 

Additionally, I have some university contacts that may be insightful in 
terms of usability/accessibility.

I would like to volunteer to Web Standards-ize the existing site[2]. 
Primarily, this would mean moving away from tables for layout. This 
would also make for pages that load more quickly and are more accessible.

There are also a few spelling mistakes that should be corrected. There 
are also some spelling mistakes, in the .pdf file.

I updated the Wiki page[3] with a couple of ideas. See very bottom of page.


p.s. In my spare time, I work on adding to and improving 
http://tenyearsof.us, a photo journal that will chronicle the first ten 
years of our marriage.

[1] http://web2.unt.edu/tcet/postcard/
[2] http://fotonotes.net/www2004photo/
[3] http://esw.w3.org/topic/WWW2004
This is the TEMPORARY discussion list for the W3 Semantic-Photo History
Project. For questions, contact greg@fotonotes.net.

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Received on Tuesday, 13 January 2004 10:41:11 UTC