
----- Forwarded message from Dan Brickley <danbri@fireball.danbri.org> -----

From: Dan Brickley <danbri@fireball.danbri.org>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 18:50:43 +0000
To: danbri@w3.org
Subject: fetchfoaf.pl
Message-Id: <E1AwQap-0002P9-00@fireball.danbri.org>

use XML::FOAF;
use URI;
my $uri = $ARGV[0];
my $rdfs='http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#';
die "Usage $0 <url>; eg $0 http://www.livejournal.com/users/danbri/data/foaf" unless $uri;

# I'm messing around with XML::FOAF based on some code from crschmidt and ben trott
# danbri@w3.org

#die "Need a name or nick field." unless ($p->name || $p->nick);

my $p = personFromURI($uri);
die "No person described in FOAF data" unless $p;
print personBlurb($p);
#print knowsSummary($p);

my @d= @{dataRefs($p)};
foreach my $uri (@d) {
  print " reading foaf from: $uri\n";
  my $p2=personFromURI($uri);
  print personBlurb($p2);

##### Misc utilities

sub dataRefs {
  my $p=shift;
  my @data=();
  foreach my $mate (@{$p->knows}) {
    my $sa=$mate->get($rdfs.'seeAlso');
    push (@data, $sa);
  return \@data;

sub  personBlurb {
  my $p=shift;
  my $txt="";
  $txt .= " name=" . $p->name, "\n" if $p->name;
  $txt .= " name=" . $p->nick, "\n" if ($p->nick && !$p->name); # need a name field
  $txt .= " nick=" . $p->nick, "\n" if ($p->nick && !$p->name);
  $txt .= " email=" . $p->mbox, "\n" if ($p->mbox);
  $txt .= " aim="  . $p->aimChatID, "\n" if $p->aimChatID;
  $txt .= " jabber=" . $p->jabberChatID, "\n" if $p->jabberChatID;
  $txt .= " url=" . $p->homepage . "\n" if $p->homepage;
  $txt .= " weblog=" . $p->weblog . "\n" if $p->weblog;
  $txt .= " phone=" . $p->phone . "\n " if $p->phone;
  return $txt."\n";

sub knowsSummary {
  my $txt='';
  foreach my $mate (@{$p->knows}) {
#    $txt .= "Knows: " . $mate->nick . " weblog: " .$mate->weblog . " seeAlso: ".$mate->get($rdfs.'seeAlso')."\n" ;
    $txt .= "Knows: " . $mate->nick . " " ;
  return $txt;

sub personFromURI {
  my $uri=shift;
  my $foaf = XML::FOAF->new(URI->new($uri), "FOAF-Fetch, danbri+fetchfoaf\@w3.org");
  my $p = $foaf->person; # replace with PPD code?	see end of doc for snippet
  return $p;

sub allSeeAlso {
  my $p=shift;
  ## Get all rdfs:seeAlso arcs in the foaf graph:
  # this shows a 'raw RDF' style of interaction with the data.
  my @res=[];
  my $enum = $foaf->{model}->getStmts(undef,RDF::Core::Resource->new($rdfs.'seeAlso'),undef);
  my $statement = $enum->getFirst;
  while (defined $statement) {
    push @res, $statement->getObject->getLabel."\n";
    $statement = $enum->getNext
  return @res;

# TypePad stuff:
# ...finding the first Person in the file... 
#my $enum = $foaf->{model}->getStmts(undef,
#RDF::Core::Resource->new($NAMESPACE . 'Person')
#) or return;
#my $subject = $enum->getFirst->getSubject;
#$subject is now the subject of the person that we treat as the owner/maker/topic.
# todo: contrib a function to find PersonalProfileDocument

----- End forwarded message -----

Received on Thursday, 26 February 2004 13:52:02 UTC