Hi Jeremy,

a side comment and not our main topic now, but I have been thinking a little
bit more about the query language. Maybe I should change the syntax and move
the query patterns from statement level to graph level and closer to the
TriG syntax. 

Example: Select all persons which have been borne before 1970, using only
statements from authors I trust.

    ?x (?y rdf:type ex:Person .
         ?y ex:birthyear ?z)
    null (?x saidby ?a)
    null (ex:Me trusts ?a)
AND ?z < "1970"

and allow the abbreviation of graph names - as you proposed - if they don't
matter, like in the following version of the query

    ?x (?y rdf:type ex:Person .
         ?y ex:birthyear ?z)
    (?x saidby ?a)
    (ex:Me trusts ?a)
AND ?z < "1970"

Both only syntactical changes but the queries look more like named graphs


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Received on Monday, 23 February 2004 09:51:29 UTC