Erratum regarding DOM Level 2 HTML


Following an issue raised during the Last Call period of DOM Level 3
Core, an error was discovered in DOM Level 2 HTML:

Since it affects the implementation of Konqueror, I'd like to make sure you
are aware of a proposed erratum for DOM Level 2 HTML:
html-2. [error]. XHTML and the HTML DOM.
        The sentences:
                For instance, element and attribute names are exposed as
                all uppercase (for consistency) when used on an HTML
                document, regardless of the character case used in the
                markup. Since XHTML is based on XML, in XHTML everything
                is case sensitive, and element and attribute names must
                be lowercase in the markup. 
        should read
                For instance, element names are exposed as all uppercase
                (for consistency) when used on an HTML document,
                regardless of the character case used in the markup. The
                names of attributes defined in HTML 4.01 are also
                exposed as all lowercase, regardless of the character
                case used in the markup, but for other attributes (i.e.
                ones that are not defined by HTML 4.01), the character
                casing is implementation dependent. Since XHTML is based
                on XML, in XHTML everything is case sensitive, and
                element and attribute names must be lowercase in the

Unless we hear from you before February 25, 2004, the DOM Working Group
intent is to publish the proposed erratum,



Received on Thursday, 19 February 2004 11:13:10 UTC