cwm: string ?

still trying... still no success

karl% make
python2.2 ../../../2000/10/swap/ merge-tr-matrix.n3 --think 
matrix-base.n3 --rdf ../../../2002/01/tr-automation/tr.rdf 
--filter=filter-matrixdata.n3 --rdf > ../../TheMatrix.rdf
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "../../../2000/10/swap/", line 35, in ?
     from why import FormulaReason
   File "../../../2000/10/swap/", line 25, in ?
     from thing   import Namespace
   File "<string>", line 127
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
make: *** [../../TheMatrix.rdf] Error 1

Karl Dubost / W3C - Conformance Manager

      --- Be Strict To Be Cool! ---

Received on Friday, 28 March 2003 11:13:29 UTC