Re: swap questions

On Wednesday, Mar 19, 2003, at 19:00 US/Eastern, Jos De_Roo wrote:

> 1/
> is showing up nicely, but using IE6 we're getting
> [[[
>  The XML page cannot be displayed
>  Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please
>  correct the error and then click the Refresh button,
>  or try again later.
>  Parameter entity must be defined before it is used.
>  Error processing resource
>  ''.
>  Line 148, Position 2
>  %xhtml-prefw-redecl.mod;
>  -^
> ]]]
> 2/ w.r.t. easter.n3 we were implementing
> log:quotient as if when integers were given
> (i.e. when we have no dots in the numbers)
> we make an integer division, but I now see
> that you have a log:integerQuotient so I
> guess we maybe should use that?

My feeling is that integer division should,
in an ideal world, give a rational, but failing that
the best fallback is a float.

Cwm doesn't currently distinguish between
different classes of number, except through whatever
happens with python. It

Integer division thowing away the remainder
seems to me to be something separate - but maybe
I am out of sync with common uses of numbers

> -- ,
> Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Friday, 21 March 2003 13:47:16 UTC