Dammit, Patrick, I'm cleaning the kitchen and taking care of three
kids and it suddenly dawns on me that you're right.

Or mostly, at least.  :-)

I'd like the system to still work without MGET implemented.  What if
GET on the URI for DanC's car returned a 404 (or perhaps something
similar) with the semantics being "there is no representation for that
thing (and therefor of course the representation was Not Found)", and
the error page was in RDF including information like
   <> isDescribedAt <http://...properSource>
or maybe just saying all the things the server wants to say about that
thing, then and there.   (but if it does that, metadata is messy,
etc.   it should be some form of redirect, and "resource moved" is not
the right semantics.)

I see no real semantic or operational flaws in that.

     -- sandro

Received on Tuesday, 18 March 2003 20:27:38 UTC