
(copying www-archive for future reference)

fixed it!
Python version mismatch. I was running python 2.1. The debian installer didn't care,
as there was no dependency that the machines could see, and I didn't notice the '2.2'
in your HTML page. All good now.

So I'm now finding a mismatch between your 00README and

readme suggests: xsv -r rel po.xml po.xsd

but if i do that, it takes 'rel' as a commandline flag. status.html says:

	-r [alt|ind]
	    Reflect the PSVI as an XML file to stdout (follow with alt to force old-style (alternating normal form) reflection, or ind (the default) for new-style (individual normal form) reflection
...and indeed those seem to work. 

Which form do I need to generate markup that the XSLTs expect? 

Proceeding with 'ind' until I hear otherwise, I'm at the XSLT stage. Not having 
Saxon installed, I'm trying xsltproc (should be OK?), and run into a missing 
xsltproc   infoset-r.xsl  po-psvi.xml
	warning: failed to load external entity "map-defaults.xml"

This is referenced here:

infoset-r.xsl:        <xsl:variable name="external-default" select="document('map-defaults.xml')/map:defaults/@map:*[local-name()=$name]"/>

Am I missing some files? Or just this one?

If you can handhold a little more, I'll update the documentation accordingly.



Received on Saturday, 18 January 2003 10:12:40 UTC