Missing Certificate Authority list

From http://my.opera.com/openweb/security/


A more general way to identify users and servers is using
certificates. Certificates use two keys, one private (secret) and one
public, and are normally "countersigned" directly or indirectly by a
trusted third party, a Certificate Authority. Opera is able to
generate private keys with up to 3072 bits. For a full list of the
certificates and Certificate Authorities that Opera supports, see the

Where specifications is a link to http://www.opera.com/docs/specs/

The information purported to be contained therein is not present nor
in the Opera 6 specs.  I couldn't find it on your site.

The first link was the only link in the search results for
"certificate authorities."  Furthermore the uri below for your search
interface I crafted after viewing source since you improperly use POST
instead of GET in this situation.  Basically GET is for retrieving
information whereas POST is for altering, generating information (eg
updating a database cf http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt).


From Google I got http://www.opera.com/security/ which also points to
specs for list of CAs 


Ted Guild <ted@w3.org>
W3C Systems Team

Received on Thursday, 14 August 2003 12:47:17 UTC