Fwd: Re: [URI vs. URIViews] draft-frags-borden-00.txt

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>Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 11:23:31 -0600
>To: Graham Klyne <GK@ninebynine.org>
>From: Pat Hayes <phayes@ai.uwf.edu>
>Subject: Re: [URI vs. URIViews] draft-frags-borden-00.txt
>Cc: Jonathan Borden <jonathan@openhealth.org>
>Graham, in haste:
>>I also just picked up this from your exchange with Jonathan Borden:
>>><http://example.org/Unicorn#Bottock> rdf:type foo:Bar
>>><http://example.org/Unicorn> rdf:type foo:Unicorn
>>>... there is no implied relationship between those two urirefs, either, 
>>>other than that the *very use* of the first one implicitly assumes that 
>>>the absolute URI is a URL of a document which contains some RDF using 
>>>the fragID 'Buttock' as a name. If there is no such document, or no such 
>>>use of that fragId, then RDF has no way to make sense of the first 
>>>triple, and would probably generate a 409 error. In particular, if the 
>>>second triple makes sense, then the first one probably does not, since 
>>>RDF has no way to figure out what the effect of adding a fragID to the 
>>>name of a unicorn might be intended to be.
>>I don't see that simply saying http://exaple.org/Unicorn#part implies the 
>>actual existence of an RDF document located at 
>>http://exaple.org/Unicorn.  The MT certainly doesn't seem to be sensitive 
>>in any way that I can see to the existence of such a document.
>I agree. What I should have said was that *if* it was an RDF document, 
>*then* .....
>But in any case I  now think that might be wrong as well. I have been 
>oversimplifying the discussion, I now realize, by making the implicit 
>assumption that every RDF document must have xmlns="uri_of_this_document" 
>in its header somewhere.
>I need to think about this more.
>IHMC                                    (850)434 8903   home
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Graham Klyne

Received on Wednesday, 29 May 2002 06:22:21 UTC