CWM Bug: Filter Error


Summary: CWM gives an error when you try to filter a document with
itself, having already applied the rules.

Example input:-

@prefix : <#> .
@prefix log: <> .

this log:forAll :x , :y , :z .

:p :q :r .
{ :x :y :z } log:implies { :z :y :x } .

Saving it as filterTest.n3 and then running:-

   $ cwm filterTest.n3 --think --filter=filterTest.n3

gives the following error:-

File "/home/2000/10/swap/", line 1037, in endDoc
  File "/home/2000/10/swap/", line 887, in endFormulaNested
    new = self.endFormula(F)
  File "/home/2000/10/swap/", line 825, in endFormula
    if len(gl) != l: raise RuntimeError("@@Length is %i instead of %i"
%(len(gl), l))
RuntimeError: @@Length is 10 instead of 5

Versions: CWM: 1.90; Llyn: 1.18.


Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
:Sean :homepage <> .

Received on Monday, 11 March 2002 23:49:34 UTC