Re: datatypes

On Thursday, July 18, 2002, at 06:01  PM, Sean B. Palmer wrote:
>> I'd say that test D won't work in CWMclone because it has the
>> author/authorName confusion and should probably be split into two
>> different datatype properties, perhaps connected.
> [Are they rejigging the whole of the RDF Model Theory?]

Not necessarily, that's what the vote is on. It's either that:

x age [ xsd:int "10" ] .
x age "10" . age rdfd:range xsd:int .

are equivalent in a deep fundamental sense (but "10" does not necessary 
equal "10") or that we simply add a rule to the model theory ala:

{ ?abs rdfd:concrete [ prop ?conc ; dtype ?dtype ] . ?x ?abs [ ?dtype 
?y ]. } => { ?x ?conc ?y } .

That way we could say:

x ageInt "10". age rdfd:concrete [ prop ageInt; dtype xsd:int ].

By adding an MT hack so that the above works correctly (at the expense 
of "10" equalling "10") I think we encourage people to not distinguish 
between author and authorName just like they wouldn't have to 
distinguish between age and ageInt.

Aaron Swartz [] 
I will be in San Diego for the O'Reilly Open Source Convention the 24-26 

Received on Friday, 19 July 2002 01:19:17 UTC