Linearizing SVG using RDF and XSLT

Abstract: This is a beta-version status experiment for linearizing SVG
based upon an RDF description of its constituent parts.

Try the attached files: <<100.svg>> for the SVG, <<svg2xhtml.xsl>> for
the XSLT, and <<svgout.html>> for the XHTML output, as generated by
Instant Saxon [1]. The SVG was derived from the one in [2].

The RDF specifies a tabbing order using a DAML [3] list, and classes
to indicate whether items are block or inline. The XSLT then converts
the SVG to XHTML, using this information to order the bits of text.


Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
:Sean :homepage <> .

Received on Friday, 15 February 2002 21:39:34 UTC