Editors todo: Issue 227 closed, minor edits done

I was assigned to doublecheck the text of the spec regarding issue 227 
(that's the one questioning whether mandatory use of features by bindings 
is OK).  I have read the specs and verified that they are all set per the 
resolution, no changes needed.  Edtodo has been updated to show issue 

While doing that reading, I noticed typos and minor questionable wording 
in one area of part 1, and another in part 2.  Both changes have been made 
and checked in as follows:

Part 1 section 4.2:

In cases where multiple features are supported by a binding specification 
the specifications for those features MUST provide any information 
necessary for their successful use in combination. Similarly if a certain 
feature cannot be used if another feature is present this MUST be 

; this binding framework does not provide any explicit mechanism for 
ensuring such compatibility of multiple features.

note ";" following the period.  I also felt the wording to be a bit lumpy.

In cases where multiple features are supported by a binding specification, 
the specifications for those features MUST provide any information 
necessary for their successful use in combination. Similarly, any 
dependencies of one feature on another (I.e. if successful use of one 
feature depends on use or non-use of another) MUST be specified. This 
binding framework does not provide any explicit mechanism for controlling 
the use of such interdependent features.

Part 2

In 5.1.1 Properties, added comma after "Where appropriate". Without the 
comma the sentence parses ambiguously. 

As I say, both of these are checked into the xml versions.  Any problem, 
let me know and we can discuss.  Thanks.

Noah Mendelsohn                              Voice: 1-617-693-4036
IBM Corporation                                Fax: 1-617-693-8676
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Received on Monday, 26 August 2002 17:00:52 UTC