Re: log:uri and relative URIs

Yes, I agree with you, that though it would in practice
be simpler to say


rather than


it is best to keep things crisp at the moment, so people
are clean in their thinking.


On Tuesday, August 13, 2002, at 12:07 AM, Dan Connolly wrote:

> reviewing recent changes, I see in
> the log:uri built-in:
> +       Note that relative URIs can be OK as the whole process
> +       has a base, which may be irrelevant.
> That's taken care of elsewhere in the code, no?
> i.e. a base URI is constructed on input, and
> then subtracted out on output.
> If I just write
> 	this log:forAll :X, :Y, :TXT.
> 	:something rdfs:label "../foo".
> 	{ :X rdfs:label :TXT.
>           :Y log:uri :TXT } log:implies { ... }
> in an N3 document, that shouldn't bind :Y,
> should it? the ../foo label for something
> could come from a different file. strings
> don't carry their base URI around with them.
> I guess I should write a test. But
> this seems plain to me.
> --
> Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Tuesday, 13 August 2002 22:35:13 UTC