Re: getting daml:imports right is easy? [was: DAML Level of Effort for FY03-FY05]

On Wed, 2002-04-24 at 18:47, Drew McDermott wrote:
> An idle question: Why is just the three of us plus the archive that
> are having this discussion?  Have I joined some sort of inner W3C
> cabal?

no, www-archive is just as publicly readable as www-rdf-logic;
in particular, to copy www-archive is to give license
to forward it to any other list, point people at it
from the archive, etc.

I just wasn't sure whether this side tangent was a distraction
or something relevant.

>  It seems as though www-rdf-logic should be listening in.

Feel free to forward/point/whatever.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Wednesday, 24 April 2002 20:47:36 UTC