PlexAPI: Stricter/Java

Hi Aaron,

Attached is a new version of RDF API <<>> with less
flexibility (node() doesn't exist anymore, and the intern bits are in the
Node class itself: no more slacking off by feeding it junk and still
getting back meaningful results). Although it has less flexibility, it was
still easy to modify <<>>, which is also

Why give the system less flexibility? Because I decided to port it to Java,
just to find out if I could do it. The current result is attached as
<<>>. As it turns out, the class keeps throwing
up an odd error, and there are a couple of other bugs... There are some
really striking features of Java that I haven't got enough experience to
work around yet: like passing arguments of any type to a function.

Anyway, do want you want with it; I don't really expect you to make the
Python code that much stricter, but if you want to make it portable (if
that is a goal), then you might consider it.


Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
:Sean :hasHomepage <> .

Received on Saturday, 27 October 2001 19:51:15 UTC