Re: Classes Considered Harmful

At 08:41 PM 7/7/2001 , Aaron Swartz wrote:
>This is a flaw in (the current version of) XHTML. Because it does not allow easy extensibility via namespaces, developers are forced to use the class attribute to get a poor approximation. I think that semantics and accessibility would be better served if XHTML did things a different way.

If you're thinking that designers wouldn't just create <blue> tags
or color attributes, then you're hopelessly naive and/or deluded,

Classes in XHTML aren't inherently wrong or "harmful", but of course
you can construct abuses of them, just like you can construct abuses
of XML.


Kynn Bartlett                          
President, HTML Writers Guild          
AWARE Center Director          

Received on Saturday, 7 July 2001 23:56:05 UTC