Re: Classes Considered Harmful

At 10:41 PM 7/7/01 -0500, Aaron Swartz wrote:
>I think that semantics and accessibility would be better served if XHTML 
>did things a different way.

Kynn is raising the "in the meanwhile" point which is the area in which 
people doing *real* stuff operate. Since not only does XHTML *not* do 
things in this different way, it is unlikely to do so in any reasonable 
length of time.

Their deadlines do not permit waiting the requisite several years before 
any of the stuff we propose will be even published, let alone realized in 
practice. CSS is years old and still barely in effect by the browsers and 
almost not at all by authors. Section 508 is over 15 years old and is just 
now reaching any level of awareness. The ten commandments are thousands of 


Received on Saturday, 7 July 2001 23:52:27 UTC