WebOnt Requirements - Report to Working Group


We are expected to provide a summary of our effort to the working group
for tommorow's telecon. I've also been asked to provide an e-mail
message on the subject prior to the telecon. My current thinking is that
we provide them with the list of current candidate requirements
(including associated issues) and the disposition of the group towards
each requirement (e.g., strongly supported vs. under discussion). Does
this seem reasonable to everyone? Is there anything you think I should
add to our report?

I plan to send the e-mail to the working group tomorrow morning, so
please give me any feedback you have tonight, including (if you haven't
done so already) your votes in the straw poll for candidate


p.s. Sorry for the multiple messages, but I thought it better to have
different topics in different threads.

Received on Wednesday, 12 December 2001 16:36:08 UTC