N3 lists and log:entails

Hi Tim & Dan,

1) I've made an implementation of ( ) DAML lists for Euler
and also a couple of rules
@prefix log: <http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/log#> .
@prefix ont: <http://www.daml.org/2001/03/daml+oil#> .
@prefix : <wol-rules#> .

this log:forAll :a, :b, :c, :x .

( :x / :b ) :member :x .
{ :b :member :x } log:implies { ( :a / :b) :member :x } .

( ( ) :x ) :append :x .
{ ( :a :b ) :append :c } log:implies { ( ( :x / :a ) :b ) :append ( :x / :c ) }

Now, in there we use a slash such that
( :a / :b ) is syntactic sugar for [ ont:first :a; ont:rest :b ]
so the thing behind the slash is a list and not a list member.
We found that a quite convenient notation coming from Prolog.
Other examples are also ( :a :b / :c ) and ( :a / ) etc.
An example query is at
and the result is at
(no ( ) support yet in our output)
Can you support the slash?

2) In looking for a manifest file for entailment tests
we now have something like e.g.
where the rdfs:domain of log:entails and log:notEntails is
a collection of doc:Work things and the rdfs:range is a doc:Work
and it currently runs with http://users.skynet.be/jdroo/euler/#R28069

Jos De Roo, AGFA http://www.agfa.com/w3c/jdroo/

Received on Sunday, 9 December 2001 12:24:41 UTC