Hello and a slightly different view on annotations

Hello everyone
My colleague, Philip Rutherford and I have been developing our concept of
annotations for web pages for the past several years (since 1996) but have never
made contact with others about the concept. Suddenly, after Jon Garfunkel contacted
us we have discovered that there are more new developments than we'd been aware of.

We seem to have taken a different approach, particularly compared with 3rd voice.
Our way of having annotations keeps the management of them firmly in the hands of
the owner of the original page.  Maybe what we're doing is not really annotations
but  contextual discussions.

Certainly from reading the discussion on the FEEDMAG I find the 3rdvoice picture
hard to digest, but there is a lot of useful mechanisms within it. The biggest
difference between what we've developed and all the other applications I've seen (I
accept that there are probably more that I haven't) is that the users and even the
moderators need only their browser and email to participate.

If you'd like to see more about our system and try out our demo then please visit
our site at http://weborganic.com/

We've just released our first beta version and would love it to be tried out by
people who can see what they are dealing with. By the way, Jon mentioned us as
webdialog but we've had to change our name due to trademark issues so now we are
weborganic pty ltd.

Looking forward to some feedback from people who know!!


Julie Gibson
WEBorganic Pty Ltd - Web pages that grow naturally!
julieg@weborganic.com        http://www.weborganic.com/
ph +61 2 99817168  fax +61 2 9981 7169
Sydney, Australia

Received on Monday, 14 June 1999 06:26:58 UTC