Press regarding 3rdvoice's architecture

Got some private email from someone who was inspired by the recent flurry
of commentary to get back on the w3-annotations list-- great! I've also
recently invited some groups to this list: (an officer
of which sent some job postings to a list I'm on), (the
PI's of which had a poster at www8).

Just wanted to pass along something hot off the press: Steven Johnson,
Editor-In-Chief of FEED, has written his latest column about the evolution
of Net-based communities, including the new "communities" as designated by
ThirdVoice. Johnson is excited by the prospect (he's not the only reporter
who hasn't familiarized himself with the archives/papers related to
www-annnotations), but is highly skeptical of ThirdVoice's monolithic
approach of having the 3V root server handle all annotations (an opinion I

Feed's "The Loop" discussion board is among the better web/discussion
interfaces among popular webzines (compare. Slate, Slashdot, etc.
www-collaberation, anyone?) I anticipate a good discussion about the
cultural aspects of annotations usage.

I'm not sure if that type of discussion will occupy our time here. I think
we're still in the (albeit slow) process of considering where w3 should be
wrt/ annotations.

I suppose I'm a standards fundamentalist: I'm repulsed by seeing
ill-conceived technologies (like 3V) presume to be the best solution.

I am working on web pages to describe my possible role in w3-annotations
activities, as well as one defining some terms and summarizing the
differences between various annotations software. I may even put these into

See the FEED article at:


"Death and danger are my various breads and various butters." -- Woody Allen

Jon Garfunkel .......................... phone 781-262-4797
Software Engineer ...................... Burlington Office 25/2020E
VPN Advantage .......................... 	https://nes-web/people/jgarfunk
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Received on Wednesday, 9 June 1999 13:24:40 UTC