Annotation software comparisons

At 08:31 PM 6/14/1999 +1000, Julie Gibson wrote:
[introduced the Weborganic annotation program]
>The biggest difference between what we've developed and all the other 
>applications I've seen (I accept that there are probably more that I haven't)
>is that the users and even the moderators need only their browser and
email to >participate.

I've started putting together a page highlighting some key differences in
web annotation software architectures. Included are some existing,
prototype, historical systems.

It's only a draft now. I shall need to better organize the references. Feel
free to make comments. I'd like to nail down some definitions for
annotation system components:

In the meantime, ThirdVoice is getting hammered by a newsworthy amount of
Internet smarty-pants (see; stories in Wired News,
Christian Science Monitor). Unfortunately, no one is trying to get at the
heart of the problem, which is the software's faulty architecture.

I wish there were a viable movement among this group to ensure that
properly-designed annotation systems get developed and reach the marketplace.


"Death and danger are my various breads and various butters." -- Woody Allen

Jon Garfunkel .......................... phone 781-262-4797
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Received on Monday, 14 June 1999 09:50:29 UTC