Re: bug tracker

Irene Vatton wrote:
> Le dimanche 05 octobre 2008 à 08:49 -0500, Lucinda DeWitt a écrit :
>> Hi all,
>> Re: Helder's references to the bug tracker.
>> I'm a bit confused.  I thought the bug tracker was a replacement for
>> the 
>> static bug list, not a replacement for inquiring about problems via
>> this 
>> mailing list.
>> I would think most more casual users would first want to inquire about
>> a 
>> potential bug before posting it on the bug tracker.  I also thought
>> that 
>> the bug tracker was more for the people testing and working on fixes
>> for 
>> Amaya than for the rest of us.
>> Or is this list now only be used to announce the release of new
>> versions?
>> Thanks for any clarification any of you can provide.
>> Lucinda
> I guess the best is to send a synthetic report to the mailing list and
> post more details on the bug tracker.
Yes, as the bug tracker doesn't generate a mail to the amaya mailing 
list, it is preferable that a person who creates a new bug in the 
tracker send a mail to with the bug ID.


Received on Tuesday, 7 October 2008 13:42:28 UTC