Re: Usability nuisances on the Mac

Hello Thomas,

Thomas Roessler wrote:
> - When editing a document on the secondary screen, Amaya will
>   display any pop-up dialogues on the primary screen.  That's
>   extremely annoying, as it moves the interaction away from where
>   the user is focusing.
What do you mean by 'secondary screen', the splitted view ?
> - Popups often don't get focus even though the most likely
>   interaction is the use of the keyboard to enter things.  E.g., the
>   ^L ^L dialogue (entering a link) requires moving away from the
>   keyboard just to perform one mouse click.  That's annoying.
The multi-platform library we use to build dialogs differs on this point 
between linux and mac. We'll have a look at it
> On a more general note, the mix between Control and Command for
> keyboard combinations is quite confusing, in particular as the mix
> doesn't exist on other platforms (Linux) in that form.
The problem is that we couldn't define all the keyboard shortcuts used 
by Amaya using only the mac standard usage (without combinations of 
letters). So we defined  two types of shortcuts for mac, those using 
standard modifier keys (Cmd/Shift/Option) and those using sequences 
(Ctrl-l Ctrl-l). The latter type is not shown by default in the menus.
> Finally, with the new keyboard layout, I'd observe that there
> appears to be no easy way to indicate to Amaya that one doesn't want
> to append to a link if that link is the last thing in a paragraph.
> That, too, is a major usability issue.
You can do that using the command 'Append' from the contextual menu 
(also available from the Edit menu) when the selection is within the 
link. Do you want us to define a shortcut for that command (also for 
Insert) ?

Laurent Carcone

> Regards,

Received on Tuesday, 18 December 2007 18:04:35 UTC