- From: <ve3ll@cogeco.ca>
- Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2007 11:03:55 -0400
- To: translations@cechinatrans.demon.co.uk
- CC: www-amaya@w3.org
well it sure doesn't demonstrate CSS2 (a W3 technology) very well at all .... On Fri, 08 Jun 2007 13:43:00 +0100, <ve3ll@cogeco.ca> wrote: > To claim that Amaya is a WYSIWYG editor, it should > produce screens that are similar on browsers normally > encountered on the internet. Otherwise the editor is > useless to web developers.... Better results are obtained by > using macro style editors and verifying with w3 or wdg validators.-- The statement that Amaya is a WYSIWYG editor has been dropped from it's home page. It is now more of a demonstration/test platform for W�C technology. Christopher -- 33 Farfield Road, Shipley, West Yorkshire, BD18 4QP, United Kingdom e-mail: translations@cechinatrans.demon.co.uk Telephone: +44 (0)1274 584832 Mobile: 0779 099 5251-- -- John Russell, VE3LL@COGECO.CA http://home.cogeco.ca/~ve3ll http://home.cogeco.ca/~trains http://home.cogeco.ca/~cipher
Received on Friday, 8 June 2007 15:04:01 UTC